To the Rabbits – A Letter
Listen to poet “X” read a letter that he found in an old rabbit’s burrow back when he was in Year 5.
To the Rabbits
To the Rabbits,
How can we live with you drawing the life from this wretched land?
You have taken our food and our children so forcefully, you have built machines to
destroy all that we love and you have waged countless wars against our people
and won.
Ever since the first time we saw the columns of smoke coming from
your cursed inventions, we knew that you would bring utter destruction. Ever
since we first saw the masts of your ships, we knew that you would become the
dictators. And ever since the first time we saw your guns, we knew you would
start this war that has caused the downfall of our race. Alas, this is the end
of our dynasty and the beginning of yours. All I see is a lifeless, dystopian
landscape ahead of me. What drove you to commit such treachery, and what
makes you think that replacing nature with industry is a good deed? I hope
that one day you realise that you have destroyed an entire civilisation.
Yours truly, The Chief of the Numbats
Translated to English from traditional Numbat language by ‘Sad Frog’ (Year 5)
This letter was written after Sad Frog’ read The Rabbits by John Marsden and Shaun Tan. It was first previous published in TableAus, Sept-October 2018